The first student newspaper was called Listen! and its initial issue appeared April 23, 1920. A weekly periodical, the content included mainly brief news items about events, athletics and people, editorials, and jokes and poems. In the beginning, the various classes (freshmen, sophomores, etc.) took turns producing it.
The purpose of Listen!, as stated in the very first issue, was to provide students an opportunity to test their writing skills, promote school spirit and encourage the “formation of a sort of unity among the classes”; “for the paper will be one of common interest and its management such as will excite a general rivalry and competition as to which class can edit the peppiest paper." The authors of that first issue had high hopes for their humble publication: “Loretto College is still young and who knows but that this little paper we are now launching on the sea of amateur journalism may figure quite prominently in the history of our Alma Mater, and shall we not in after years be proud to say that we originated and were the first to publish LISTEN!”